[Salon] We won't stop genocide until we acknowledge the root of the problem: Zionism

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We won't stop genocide until we acknowledge the root of the problem: Zionism

All of this killing stems from ideology and entitlement

Jan 31



I made the mistake of reading through Zionist Twitter today and my god, do not do this. It will not be good for your blood pressure. All I can say is either Israel’s bot army is working overtime or we’re witnessing the most brainwashed population in history. Honestly, I suspect it’s a bit of both and your typical Zionist is indistinguishable from your average bot because both regurgitate the most vile cliches.

It’s terrifying how strong the level of brainwashing is, and a quick look at Zionist TikTok will show you they’re definitely not all bots. They’re proud of how hateful they are towards Palestinians and anyone who sympathises with them. It seems every day a Zionist is wishing death on me because I want Israel to stop killing children.

You read the comments on tweets from the likes of Bari Weiss and so many admissions of war crimes are put forward as defences. They seem hopelessly unaware that arguments to justify carpet bombing and withdrawal of aid like “Hamas shouldn’t have done October 7th” and “release the hostages and the bombing will stop” are admissions of collective punishment. They even argue the reason so many civilians are being killed is because Hamas is hiding in tunnels. So why are you bombing the civilians above ground then?

One of my favourite arguments was that Israel agreed to the UN partition plan in 1947 and Palestine never did, therefore this is all Palestine’s fault! They admitted that Palestinians never agreed to have their land colonised and they took the land anyway - and they thought this was a defence. This is the level of entitlement colonisers have. I saw someone compare this to a stranger moving into your house and forcing you to live in the basement and blaming you when you get mad about it.

“Oh, they shouldn’t have started a war,” they say whenever you bring up the Gaza death toll. The civilians shouldn’t have? Yeah, that’s another admission of collective punishment - holding 2.3 million people responsible for the actions of a few hundred.

They’re unbelievably confident in these dreadful arguments in a way you couldn’t be unless you’d been programmed from early childhood. It takes only a second of logical thinking to see the flaws in their arguments and yet they can’t see any flaws. No line of reasoning will get through to them, even though they’re often far from stupid.

Try to gently persuade them of the humanity of Palestinians and watch how quickly one of them wishes death on you. Someone told me a rocket was on the way to my house today, which was certainly nice to know. I like making friends online.

In all seriousness, it’s disturbing to have such good intentions and see people wish you were dead for wanting peace. Zionism has become a cult that proudly shows off its irrationality and can’t understand why everyone doesn’t want to join the cult. I think they want us all to be Eve Fartlow.

I even saw one person unironically argue that Hamas doesn’t stop firing rockets. Of course, it doesn’t count as firing rockets when Israel levels apartment blocks and schools and hospitals and entire neighbourhoods. It only counts as firing rockets when Hamas launches a fire cracker that gets intercepted by the iron dome and entertains Israelis sitting on a hill to watch the fireworks.

It isn’t too hard to understand why Zionists are brainwashed though. I’m not even sure how much blame we can put on them, given the trauma of the holocaust and the one-sided information in their media.

It’s not just their media that does the brainwashing, it’s ours too, and we’re not even in their country. It took me time and effort to unlearn the Zionist lies from our media. Imagine how much harder it is for them, given their emotional attachment to the lies. It would take a hell of an effort to deprogram them, and no one with any influence is going to make that effort.

Our media just came straight out and did more propaganda after the ICJ put Israel under provisional measures while they go on trial for genocide. One headline I saw framed it as: the ICJ has rejected South Africa’s request for a ceasefire. Israel framed it as: the ICJ has confirmed Israel’s right to defend itself. No wonder many of Israel’s supporters were convinced the ICJ had vindicated them!

Many westerners probably had no clue what was going on because the media refused to spell it out: the evidence that South Africa presented was credible and the allegations were as serious as they could be, so the ICJ took measures to prevent genocide while the matter is investigated - a process that will take three or four years.

Among those provisional measures was that Israel must punish any statements that could be seen as encouraging genocide. What are the chances this one will go unpunished?I’m guessing punishment is unlikely, given that Israel is tying men’s hands behind their backs and executing them and dumping them in mass graves. Today, 30 such men were found in body bags with their hands cuffed, buried in the rubble of school. Even now our leaders just say Israel has a right to defend itself.

No one who was paying attention to the court proceedings could have concluded they were favourable to Israel, but screw it, we’ll pretend they were and defund UNRWA to collectively punish the Palestinians (again) for the ICJ’s audacity.

Our leaders are brazenly ignoring international law and there seems to be nothing we can do, but surely there is? Surely human rights lawyers can take the UK government to court like they did when it was helping Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen? Surely someone with legal expertise can pressure the police to investigate our MPs’ complicity in war crimes? Surely they can’t just be allowed to continue doing this unchallenged? They’re committing a genocide for god’s sake.

It took them a nanosecond to defund UNRWA when Israel claimed it had 12 Hamas members among its 13,000 staff. Are they going to act against Israel now they have death squads dressing up as doctors to execute patients in hospital beds? I’m guessing not, given US spokesperson Matt Miller has already defended the murders. Why is terrorism okay when Israel does it?

We’re seeing the coloniser countries go full fascist in front of our eyes with politicians across parties showing genocidal solidarity. Politicians seem to think that if they stand together in a show of power, they can defy dissent and ignore the rule of law.

It’s not like our leaders are violating some obscure international laws that carry no weight here: these are our laws. Our leaders are not allowed to join in a genocide and pretend it’s not a genocide. Being elected to office doesn’t make you above the law. Bilateral support is not a moral argument. Calling your critics anti-Semites is not a defence.

The only people who are standing up to the war criminals seem powerless to do anything, but one thing we can do is stigmatise political support for Israel in the way conservatives have stigmatised communism. We need to draw a clear link between Zionism and the Gaza genocide so that politicians become afraid of publicly declaring their Zionism. They need to know it will be a vote loser because right now, it’s not and that’s to our shame.

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